What will we remember?

Remember. Never forget. And we shouldn’t. How could we? But what do we remember? What will we remember?

Those who lost their lives. Yes. Always. Those who responded, went straight into harm’s way to help others? Yes. Always. The fact that we were attacked on our own soil in a way that my generation and younger had never known, or maybe didn’t even think was possible? Absolutely. September 11, 2001, is for us what Pearl Harbor was for my grandparents.

But what else? A friend, Ted Daly, wrote this on September 11, 2013:

“Never forget, and here is what I would like everyone to remember:
Remember the two weeks following the attacks, when we were suddenly so nice to one another? We met and greeted our neighbors, we let drivers in front of us, we offered help to those in need, no matter how large or small the effort required…then, once the third week began, we were right back to the same old same old. Was it so hard, or the effort so unbearable? We could inspire each other to these same acts every day. What kind of world would that be?”

I hope we can remember that. Remember that in the face of tragedy and horror, we helped each other. That we cared about each other. That we didn’t call each other stupid because we didn’t hold the same political beliefs; that we could disagree and be kind; we could disagree and still support one another. I hope we can remember that, because even in the middle of heartfelt and right as rain remembering the lost and the responders, and the horror of that day, it certainly seems like we have forgotten how to help those people, our neighbors and our friends, who don’t agree with us.

NASA posted this picture of the smoke plumes in New York City, visible from space that day.

Station Commander Frank Culbertson, looking down from space, wrote this:

“It’s horrible to see smoke pouring from wounds in your own country from such a fantastic vantage point. The dichotomy of being on a spacecraft dedicated to improving life on the earth and watching life being destroyed by such willful, terrible acts is jolting to the psyche, no matter who you are.”

We may never get to see the earth from that perspective, but we can all hear and feel his words.

Never forget, from our own lives since 9/11. After. On September 11, 2011, I was working in DC, for the Coast Guard. I walked onto Ft. McNair and had lunch on the river bank. And I wrote this:

Sandburg and I sit on the river bank, eating lunch, talking about Chicago and how people are. On the other shore, two helicopters take off, bank over the river and fly directly overhead. These are the same helicopters that carried a different President to St. Michaels when I worked there and got to see him speak.

Then, like now, was after. After we looked at machines flying over cities differently. After flying machines were flown into buildings and the President we saw in St. Michaels got interrupted talking to school children; children that could have been my daughters, but weren’t. Children who wished they were in that school because it would have meant they were far away from New York and didn’t lose their parents.

That day, before, I was in Easton. I didn’t work in Washington, like now, after.

Now, I sit with Sandburg on the river bank of the Anacostia, watching planes landing and taking off at Reagan National. Watching Presidential Helicopters flying overhead.

Sandburg’s Chicago didn’t have planes flying into buildings. It wasn’t something he thought about. But our girls, and their children, will learn it as part of their history classes. It’s part of their story, part of our story, now, after. 

Now it’s 17 years after. We say we will never forget. We say we will remember. And we will. There is no doubt. But what will we remember? What will we do about it? And how will it change our lives?

Why Our Tribes Matter

Your people shape your reality. Who you spend time with and what you do together is a huge part of how we see life. Our worlds, our realities, are made up in part by those we spend our time with; those with whom we build and share experiences. This may seem like a no-duh realization, but let it sink in.

David Abram’s book “Spell of the Sensuous” is a book I’ve known for a while that I need to spend time with. It looks at our (humans’) place in the world as part of a wider community, people, animals, mountains, rivers–things that for most of history have been viewed as part of one big, living system, but which we are coming, at great costs to ourselves, to see as inanimate. It’s a slow read for me, but there are “a-ha” moments on just about every page. The following thread comes from Abram’s book.

Abrams goes back to Edmund Husserl, who is a guy at one point I was planning to spend a good part of graduate school for philosophy getting to know. Husserl grabbed the word “phenomenon” way before L.L. Cool J got a hold of it. Edmund said the goal of phenomenology  is to “describe as closely as possible the way the world makes itself evident to awareness, the way things first arise in our direct, sensorial experience.” And that without doing this first, all the fields of “objective” sciences had no context.

Another guy with a daunting name who peeled back the curtain of phenomenology is a guy named Maurice Merleau-Ponty:

“We must begin by reawakening the basic experience of the world, of which science is a second-order expression… To return to things themselves is to return to the world which precedes knowledge, of which knowledge always speaks…”

MM-P said you can only have a field like geography, “in relation to the countryside in which we have learnt beforehand what a forest, a prairie or a river is.”

Give me one more heady stretch here. When Husserl looked at the world he experienced, he had to account for the fact that there were other sensing beings with whom we interact with, and something like looking at a tree and clouds overheard, whatever the reality of it is, it’s “intersubjective,” experienced by multiple people. Hang on to your intersubjective hats:

“the very world our sciences strive to fathom… is rather an intertwined matrix of sensations and perceptions, a collective field of experience lived through from many different angles. The mutual inscription of others in my experience, and of myself in their experiences, effects the interweaving of our individual phenomenal fields into a single, ever-shifting fabric, a single phenomenal world or ‘reality.'”

Abram is skimming the surface of Husserl’s Emerald City:

“The encounter with other perceivers continually assures me that there is more to any thing, or to the world, than I myself can perceive at any moment… It is this informing of my perceptions by the evident perceptions and sensations of other bodily entities that establishes, for me, the relative solidity and stability of the world.”

Okay, now breathe. Grab a cup of coffee, put on some cartoons, or Shark Week. My apologies, no one likes to dig into the fabric of experienced reality without warning.

That’s an almost academic way to say, who we spend our time with becomes a part of our reality. We probably know that on some level, but when you dig into it, it carries even more weight.

I know my experience of the world, of life, is one of many, and I can’t get it all–there is way too much to take in. If I am honest and humble enough to admit that, I need other people to help me experience more, to understand more.

Like a lot of people, I drifted away from church somewhere through my 20s and 30s and early 40s, not seeing a relevance, not feeling connected to what I thought it meant to be a part of, or go to church. Over the course of the last few years, what I understand church to be, what that reality is for me, has been shaped, co-created in so many ways by the people at Christ Church Easton, particularly the Saturday “Alive at 5” service. Because that was where I saw, witnessed, experienced first-hand, people’s lives being transformed, by the honesty, love, and acceptance of the other people there; by the laughter, the tears, the joy, and the hope we found; by the Holy Spirit; by God’s love poured into people who shared it with each other, then went out, told others, and helped build a church family. I still like the word tribe.

When you have people who are willing to put themselves out there; people are searching for more out of life; people who are willing to step beyond the mistakes, missteps, and pain of their past in hope of being a part of something new, bigger than themselves, but of which they are a key, unique piece of the whole–the tribe you become a part of, build, invite others to, shapes your reality.

Let’s consider this post a preamble, an introduction. And let’s see what we can build from here.